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June 03, 2024
Also seriously, what a disappointment! You know, when you hear about a site like, you expect something cool, right? Like, they say they're all about the latest online trends, so I thought I’d find stuff that’s really up-to-date. Nope. It’s pretty much the opposite. The layout of the website is old school. Like, who designed this? The 90s called and they want their interface back. Everything is hard to find, and when you finally do find something interesting, you realize the information is either super outdated or not helpful at all. I was looking for recent trends in fashion and tech, but all I found were articles from ages ago. Also, the navigation is a joke. You’d think clicking on categories would take you to something specific, but no, it’s just random stuff that makes no sense together. Oh, and don’t even get me started on the ads. They are everywhere and super annoying. Every few seconds, you have some popup trying to sell you something you don’t care about. It makes the whole experience even worse. The content itself isn’t even worth wading through the garbage. Most of it feels like it was written by bots, not actual humans who know what they’re talking about. And for a site that’s supposed to be about trends and what's cool, it sure feels like they’re behind the times. I tried contacting their support to ask why everything is so outdated, but surprise, surprise—not a single response. Overall, if you’re looking to waste your time and get frustrated, this is the site for you. Otherwise, save yourself the hassle and look elsewhere. There are much better sites for trends and updates than this outdated mess.
May 23, 2024
Ich habe das Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Gateway Ultra gekauft und bin enttäuscht. Die Einrichtung war kompliziert und der Support war nicht hilfreich. Bei diesem Preis habe ich eine bessere Erfahrung erwartet.
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