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Rating 2.9

According to 7 experiences

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June 06, 2024
Das digitale Abo von ZEIT ONLINE ist nicht so nützlich, wie ich erwartet hatte. Die meisten Artikel sind hinter einer paywall, und es fehlen oft aktuelle Updates oder tiefgehende Analysen. Tut mir leid, aber ich fühle mich betrogen. 👎
April 28, 2024
Ok, so I decided to check out Die Zeit since it's supposed to be this big deal in German journalism. To be honest, I wasn't that impressed. First off, the layout of the website is super cluttered. It's hard to find anything with all the ads and random links scattered everywhere. Seriously, it's like a maze. And the search function? Absolute joke. I was trying to find some specific articles about climate change and the results were all over the place. Some of the articles didn't even have anything to do with what I searched for. The content quality is also really hit or miss. Some articles are decently informative, but others feel like they were written in a rush or just to fill space. I found a couple of grammar errors, which is kind of annoying considering this is supposed to be a reputable news source. Also, they lock a lot of the "premium" content behind a paywall. I get that they need to make money, but the free stuff just doesn't cut it. If you’re not paying, you're basically missing out on a lot of supposedly "important" articles. Mobile experience? Don’t even get me started. The site is super slow to load on my phone, and half the time it glitches out, making it even more frustrating to use. To top it off, their customer service is really slow to respond. I had an issue with my subscription and it took them ages to get back to me, and even then, they didn’t really solve the problem. I expected more from such a well-known newspaper. Overall, I wouldn't recommend spending your money here unless you're really into some of their exclusive content. But for regular news updates, there are definitely better, more user-friendly options out there. Three stars is generous.
April 12, 2024
Die Inhalte sind immer aktuell und gut recherchiert. Besonders gefällt mir die Sektion über Gesundheit und Familie. Ab und zu gibt es technische Probleme auf der Seite, aber insgesamt eine tolle Informationsquelle.
April 10, 2024
Ich finde die Artikel zu politisch und einseitig. Es fehlt oft eine ausgewogene Berichterstattung. Außerdem sind manche Themen einfach zu langweilig.
March 27, 2024
Die ZEITmagazin Sektion ist mein absoluter Favorit! Es gibt immer spannende und fesselnde Geschichten. Manchmal nerven jedoch die vielen Werbungseinblendungen. 😊
March 25, 2024
Die Webseite lädt sehr langsam und oft gibt es Probleme beim Abspielen der Videos. Es ist frustrierend und macht keinen Spaß, die Artikel zu lesen.
March 22, 2024
Als Rentner schätze ich die Vielfalt an Artikeln sehr. Besonders die Rubrik 'Wochenende' bietet immer interessante Tipps und Empfehlungen. Manchmal sind die Artikel aber etwas zu lang.
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