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Rating 3.3

According to 7 experiences

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September 01, 2024
Nicht alles ist perfekt. Es gibt gelegentlich Probleme mit der Geschwindigkeit und Genauigkeit. Die Idee ist gut, aber es braucht Verbesserung.
August 13, 2024
Sintra has been a game-changer for my small business. Especially love Buddy and Emmie. They seriously improve productivity!
July 05, 2024
I'm really impressed by Dexter! The data analysis is on point and has helped me make better decisions for my company.
June 25, 2024
The digital assistants on Sintra are fantastic! 😀 They save me so much time and make my work much easier. My favorite is Gigi.
June 06, 2024
Nnexpectedly, I'm quite disappointed with I was really excited about this tool, but after using it for a bit, I've encountered so many issues that it's almost unusable. First and foremost, the interface is cluttered and confusing. It’s supposed to be designed for ease of use, right? But it feels like the opposite. Trying to navigate through the different features is so frustrating because nothing is where you'd expect it to be. Why is it so complicated? The AI performance is another story - and not a good one. It's inconsistent and sometimes gives completely irrelevant outputs. I was hoping for a smart tool that would understand context and provide accurate suggestions or answers, but that’s not what you get here. Instead, you find yourself correcting or redoing much of the work, which defeats the purpose of using an AI in the first place. Also, it's super slow. Loading times are just unbearable at times, and in today's world, nobody has time to sit around waiting for a slow AI tool. I tried reaching out to their customer support because I thought maybe I was doing something wrong or there was a fix for the issues I was experiencing. But guess what? Silence. Either their customer support team is non-existent or they just don't care about their users. It's so unprofessional. Speaking of unprofessionalism, the website itself is full of grammatical errors and typos. Not a big deal? For a language-focused AI tool, it absolutely is. It doesn’t inspire confidence at all. Overall, I regret wasting my time and money on it. There are better alternatives out there that are more user-friendly, reliable, and effective. My advice: steer clear of this one. It's just not worth it.
May 18, 2024
Mille est génial pour mes ventes ! Moins de tâches manuelles et plus d'efficacité. Un excellent choix pour tout vendeur en ligne !
March 29, 2024
Sintra AI n'est pas aussi précis qu'annoncé. J'ai rencontré plusieurs erreurs en l'utilisant, surtout avec des tâches complexes. De plus, le temps de réponse n'est pas toujours aussi rapide que prétendu. Je m'attendais vraiment à mieux vu les promesses faites sur la page d'accueil.
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