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NaturalStrength Review

Rating 1.0

According to 2 experiences

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July 09, 2024
I was really expecting a lot more from NauralStrength Training. The website layout is very bland and unappealing, which is a big turn-off right from the start. I tried a few of the training programs and honestly, they didn't feel particularly unique or effective. The content is sparse and seems very amateurish, like something you'd find from a basic Google search. Also, the training videos are of poor quality, both in production and in the actual coaching. It feels like they just put random clips together without thinking too much about the user experience. The navigation is confusing too - I often found myself lost, trying to find the resources I needed. The articles section is nothing special either, mostly vague and generic advice that you've probably already heard a million times. I also encountered a lot of broken links, which just goes to show how little maintenance and care is given to this site. For the membership cost, I expected way better. Customer service is slow to respond, and when they do, the replies are not very helpful. I encountered technical issues logging in several times, which disrupted my training schedule. Frankly, I don't see why anyone would pay for this when there are so many better options out there, many of which are free. Overall, a very disappointing experience that left me feeling like I wasted my time and money.
May 29, 2024
Purtroppo non sono rimasto soddisfatto dal servizio. Nonostante l'entusiasmo iniziale, ho trovato i protocolli di allenamento poco personalizzati e l'assistenza via mail lenta. Poca attenzione ai bisogni individuali. 😟
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