
Centro Universitario



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Centro Universitario Review

Rating 1.0

According to 2 experiences

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Centro Universitario
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May 08, 2024
Mi aspettavo di meglio dal CFU. Il servizio di orientamento non è stato molto utile per scegliere il corso online giusto per me. La mia coach non sembrava molto preparata o coinvolta. Deludente.
March 29, 2024
Navigating the Centro Universitario website was such a hassle that I almost gave up on the idea of applying to the university altogether. The interface is outdated, cluttered, and not user-friendly at all. It took me several minutes just to find the application forms because the links are so poorly organized. Furthermore, the website is very slow to load, even on a high-speed internet connection. Each click took ages to respond. The information provided is also quite limited and vague. I had a lot of questions regarding the courses and admissions process, but their FAQ section didn’t cover half of what I needed to know. The contact form was another nightmare. After spending 15 minutes filling out my details and crafting a message to admissions, the form refused to submit, showing some vague error message about "invalid input" without specifying what was wrong. Beyond navigation issues, the design is very unappealing and looks like it hasn’t been updated in years, making it hard to take the institution seriously. In an era where first impressions count, this website is doing a disservice to what could be a great university. If you can't put effort into your main online portal, it makes me question the quality and care you'll put into your students' education. I really hope the administration takes these reviews seriously and invests in a major redesign and upgrade. A better, more intuitive, and engaging website could attract more students and give a much better first impression. Until then, I can't recommend spending too much time here unless you have the patience of a saint and a lot of free time.
Centro Universitario
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